416. The commercial work of Regis Philbin


Our boy Regis died this weekend! I used to always watch Regis and Kathie Lee in the mornings with my mom, my first memories of him being when i was about five, and he would scare me because he would yell so much. Oh yeah, and he would always get on his producer, Gelman’s case about everything. 


When I was in elementary school, I used to enjoy seeing Reege in those Harvest Crisp cracker commercials with his wife, Joy. My mom always got way too excited whenever Joy would sub host for Kathie Lee. We we not a Kathie Lee household back in the day. We thought she talked too much about her kids Cody and Cassidy. 


Oh! Do you remember on The Critic when Jay sent the two most annoying New Yorkers off to L.A.? They were Regis & Kathie Lee. 


This MCI commercial really brings it home about how much Kathie Lee talked about people she knew. 


This commercial from 1985 was before the duo became national talk show hosts. Sweet stereo.


I still associate Aspercreme with Regis! 


I didn’t know he shilled for Jenny Craig though! 


Reege getting in the ladies pants. 


This one for Hardees however, I don’t get. Hardees was in the doldrums in the 90s. I’m surprised they even had the money for someone big like Regis. His charm makes up for this lame commercial.


Regis in one of the earliest commercials for the new Pepsi can and the very 90s “Gotta Have It” campaign back in 1991.  (another one)


Finally, not a commercial, but Regis had a workout tape in the early 90s?! Lookin’ good, Reege. Apparently, Jon Tron watched it a few years ago. 

Here’s the entire tape.


On archive.org, there are two Regis & Kathie Lee cookbooks. Maybe when this lockdown is over we can have a Regis themed dinner party. 


Clips from Regis’ early years for the morning show in the early 80s in NYC. 

Author: Anita

Pretend historian.

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