66. This scary “Operation Lifesaver” commercial (early 1990s)

It was Christmas Day, 1992, 1993, maybe. I was sitting on the floor playing with the Barbies and toys I got that year, and my parents were probably watching the news, and this public service announcement came on.


So this jerkface pictured above,  was trying to push people to drive right through the railroad crossings.


One guy is like, “okay, shut the hell up, I’m GOING.”


Then there is this dad, van full of screaming, crying kids. I believe this is what grabbed my attention when I originally saw this commercial growing up. When I was a kid, I despised hearing screaming kids anywhere…to be honest, I still do. Dad is totally fed up with this impatient, (probably) drunk guy behind him wanting everybody to risk life or death so he can get to Winn Dixie quicker for more beer.  

“…I’m GOING”, says the dad. 


Well, they’re dead, and all our idiot has to say is:



66. This scary “Operation Lifesaver” commercial (early 1990s)

It was Christmas Day, 1992, 1993, maybe. I was sitting on the floor playing with the Barbies and toys I got that year, and my parents were probably watching the news, and this public service announcement came on.


So this jerkface pictured above,  was trying to push people to drive right through the railroad crossings.


One guy is like, “okay, shut the hell up, I’m GOING.”


Then there is this dad, van full of screaming, crying kids. I believe this is what grabbed my attention when I originally saw this commercial growing up. When I was a kid, I despised hearing screaming kids anywhere…to be honest, I still do. Dad is totally fed up with this impatient, (probably) drunk guy behind him wanting everybody to risk life or death so he can get to Winn Dixie quicker for more beer.  

“…I’m GOING”, says the dad. 


Well, they’re dead, and all our idiot has to say is:



(2012 repost) 26. Christmas Commercials of the 1980s and 1990s Playlist



Every December, I have old commercials (some from my collection, some I’ve downloaded off of YouTube) playing constantly on my iTunes every chance I get. Now you can too, on YouTube. 


Don’t forget the other Christmas entries here too! 

(2012 repost) 26. Christmas Commercials of the 1980s and 1990s Playlist



Every December, I have old commercials (some from my collection, some I’ve downloaded off of YouTube) playing constantly on my iTunes every chance I get. Now you can too, on YouTube. 


Don’t forget the other Christmas entries here too! 

65. Suzy Hamilton Pert Plus commercial (1993)

So, Suzy Hamilton has been in the news this week for the first time in over 12 plus years for admitting to the media that she’s been working as a $600 an hour call girl in Las Vegas. 

I only know Suzy from this Pert Plus commercial that was on these Mystery Science Theater 3000 tapes my friend sent me about 10 years ago. 

64. The “Mike Tyson with pigeons” picture (1985)

So I’ve been on Tumblr for years, and I always run across this photo of Mike Tyson with pigeons. Seriously, the whole time I’ve been on Tumblr I thought this was a photoshop. I had to look it up today to find the origins of the photo. 

This photo has its origins from a 1985 Sports Illustrated shoot. Mike Tyson has apparently loved pigeons his entire life! He had his own pigeon coop at his adoptive mother’s home in the 1980s. 

He was still taking care of pigeons even when he hit the big time in the late 1980s.

Mike’s began to be interested in pigeons as a teenager when he used money from a robbery to buy pigeons, and one of his earliest fights was against a man who stole one of his pigeons and decapitated it. 

64. The “Mike Tyson with pigeons” picture (1985)

So I’ve been on Tumblr for years, and I always run across this photo of Mike Tyson with pigeons. Seriously, the whole time I’ve been on Tumblr I thought this was a photoshop. I had to look it up today to find the origins of the photo. 

This photo has its origins from a 1985 Sports Illustrated shoot. Mike Tyson has apparently loved pigeons his entire life! He had his own pigeon coop at his adoptive mother’s home in the 1980s. 

He was still taking care of pigeons even when he hit the big time in the late 1980s.

Mike’s began to be interested in pigeons as a teenager when he used money from a robbery to buy pigeons, and one of his earliest fights was against a man who stole one of his pigeons and decapitated it. 

63. Scans from a 1983 Civics Textbook (part 1)


Civics Government and Citizenship by Jack Fraenkel and Frank T. Kaine, published in 1983.

This is the book we had in 7th grade history class in 1996 (yes, we were old as the books we were using in class, thanks Hampton City Schools), and I chose it because of that cover. This cover is so amazing, that I’ve been using it for backgrounds on the stuff I’ve been selling on my etsy recently:














…that carpet. 

63. Scans from a 1983 Civics Textbook (part 1)


Civics Government and Citizenship by Jack Fraenkel and Frank T. Kaine, published in 1983.

This is the book we had in 7th grade history class in 1996 (yes, we were old as the books we were using in class, thanks Hampton City Schools), and I chose it because of that cover. This cover is so amazing, that I’ve been using it for backgrounds on the stuff I’ve been selling on my etsy recently:














…that carpet.