181. Alfred J. Hunter (May 10, 1989)



Shots rang out in the late night skies of Boston one night. Shots in the sky, where do shots in the sky come from? From a deranged man who nobody knew could fly a plane. A deranged man who earlier in the evening killed his estranged wife who was years younger–that morning he was in court for assaulting her back in December because she dared to change the tv channel. 

He was also a postal worker–adding to the (then growing) list of postal workers who were murderers in the 1980s and 1990s.

After Alfred J. Hunter murdered his ex wife, Elvira in front of their 5 year old son, he drove to the local small airport. When arriving, he “plane jacked” a flight instructor and told him to start the plane, and to “not do anything stupid because he had just killed some people”. Nobody was aware that Hunter knew how to fly a small airplane. He took off (leaving the flight instructor) around 10:30 that evening with his gun.

Hunter flew low to the ground, randomly firing. He didn’t kill anybody else, just dinged up some cars and buildings. Hunter made a nuisance at the Logan airport, by briefly landing at almost 1am, but then he took off again before anybody could catch him. Due to safety, the police couldn’t you know, take off in their helicopter and try to down the plane. Hunter was finally caught when he touched his plane down at Logan for the second time.



He’s still in prison today. 


“Pilot Buzzes Boston Airport, Shooting Up the City.” New York Times, May 11, 1989. Accessed March 14, 2015. http://www.nytimes.com/1989/05/11/us/pilot-buzzes-boston-airport-shooting-up-the-city.html.

Fitzgerald, Craig. “25 Years Ago Today, a Guy with a Cessna and an AK-47 Held the City of Boston Hostage.” BangShift.com. May 9, 2014. Accessed March 14, 2015. http://bangshift.com/general-news/25-years-ago-today-guy-cessna-ak-47-held-city-boston-hostage/.

Author: Anita

Pretend historian.

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