300. The thirtieth anniversary of The Simpsons on Tracey Ullman (April 19, 1987)


I would have forgotten about this if it wasn’t for FXX showing The 138th episode spectacular on a boring Sunday afternoon! The thirtieth anniversary is approaching! 


The first Simpsons short that was shown before and after commercial breaks during the Tracy Ullman Show was “Good Night”, a crudely drawn sort about how horrifying lullabies can be if you really pay attention to the lyrics. 


The short aired on the third episode of Tracey Ullman, and only a few weeks after FOX began their primetime schedule. Can we discuss the night FOX premiered?  This was the first thing people saw:


a dude’s butt in cutoffs.

He and his butt was erecting a giant FOX sign over the HOLLYWOOD sign:


Author: Anita

Pretend historian.

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