244. Big List of Favorite Commercials (part 16)

(part 15)


Diet Pepsi – “Now you see it, Now you don’t” Commercials Compilation

There is just something so calming about these ding dong Diet Pepsi commercials from the early 80s. I’m mostly Diet Coke for life, but every time I watch this set of commercials, I want a Diet Pepsi.

1987 – Teledyne Water Pik – Ventriloquist

Well, is your finger clean?

Sheetz hot dog commercial (1988)

Sheetz, she is a teenager.

Leon Neon Commercial

This glow in the dark noodle toy looks useless, but I love that song.

1992 Puppy Chow Grow up strong just like daddy” TV Commercial

This is one of the commercials I truly remember from elementary school. I mean, how could you forget those two adorable sheepdogs.

1983 Seven Seas salad dressing commercial

I mean, come on, bunny detectives?!

Silo Commercial (Phil Hartman) 1986

I know these Silo commercials were out there, and probably hired improv people, but why is Phil’s divorced guy character straight out of the shower!?

KPLZ Joan Rivers Contest 1987 ad

During Joans short lived Fox late night show.

“Kellogg’s Pop Tarts Commercial 1992”

We get it, you saw Bill & Ted this weekend.

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Author: Anita

Pretend historian.

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