280. Mentions of Hillary via Time Magazine in the first three months of Bill’s presidency (January-March, 1993)


Cellphone as big as a walkie talkie and giant buttons to match. Those are some giant buttons. 


This suit was described by some as “She’ll be the very first Casual Corner First Lady”. The reference is totally lost now since Casual Corner went out of business in like, 2005. 


Of course, it wasn’t done now. 


First rule at Sidwell Friends. Don’t touch Chelsea. 


(one issue in my collection of bound Time Magazines was missing, the issue following the World Trade Center bombing) 

244. The big list of favorite commercials – part 2

This is a queued entry, written on May 30th. I’m currently moving, and as we all know, the internet doesn’t come with you when you move. 

(part 1) 


This list isn’t in any order, just memorable commercials that I wanted to share … well, last time it was for Christmas, so I guess this time it can be for my birthday?


“Special K can’t pinch an inch on me!” (1984?)

Something about this ad makes me soo uncomfortable. Is it unhealthy to not be able to pinch an inch on yourself? That buckle part… it’s like she’s going “see how skeletal I am?” Even if I know she’s not skeletal. 


Tom Raper RV (1995, from my personal collection)

If your last name is RAPER, why would you ever name your business after your last name. Why would you drag grandma and her little dog in this too. Cute little dog.


Phillips square light bulbs (mid 1980s)

This was actually one of the first old commercials I watched on YouTube back in 2006. 

Is that the Cookie Man from Snackwells in that elevator!? ‘Sounds just like him. He’s so dreamy. 


Best Buy Find ‘em First – David Garza “Kinder” (1999)

I just remember seeing this commercial over and over and over again during the Summer before junior year of high school, the last internet-less Summer. I had the song stuck in my head for years until I asked someone over at  yesterdayland.com (man, were they annoying over there, though) if they remembered the ad. 


Champion Rent-to-Own (local Hampton Roads spot, 1989)

This ad would always be on during the news when I was little. As an adult, I listen to the “champouuuuhhhooouuughnnnn” at the end of the commercial, and the singer just sounds like he’s absolutely drunk.  The Hampton location phone number belongs to a bank in Hampton now. 


Steak & Ale with Whitney Houston singing (early 1980s)

Steak & Ale is one of those places that I never got to eat at, but I miss it dearly. The one in the town I grew up in looked so cool. Don’t you want to eat steak in something that looks like a Victorian mansion in front of the old Coliseum Mall (my photos)?  Even in 2008, when it and the entire chain closed, it looked extremely yuppie on the outside. After seeing this commercial, the following day I made a steak for lunch and had a beer, but it just wasn’t the same. 


Malt-o-Meal (1996)

I mention this only because everybody looks like they need to take a crap. 


Ziploc with Dom Deluise (1986)

He’s singing a sad goodbye song to his vegetables before he freezes them.


“Hillary Clinton” for Pizza Hut (1999)

Hillary is totes a New Yorker who knows a thing about Noo York ‘za 


Sheena Easton for Chicago Health Club (from my collection, late 1980s) 

Thanks for making me feel guilty for not going to the gym. Ever.  She filmed the last scene where she turns to the camera several times to advertise several gyms. Here is another one. 


Christmas Tree Shops “with Princess Di” (1991)

“I bet you could really stretch the ol’ family budget with values like those, huh?”


McCain Spoon Fresh Juice Commercial (Canada, 1988)

ewww. Just buy a carton of orange juice, they were around in 1988! I know back then the oj cartons didn’t have the screw top, but if you were worried about freshness, then put it in a tupperware pitcher. Every mom had one back then. 


Saturday Night Live Season Premiere (1980)

This is a pretty sweet find. I don’t hold the same anger for this cast like most SNL fans do. Charles Rocket shouldn’t of hosted Update though.


Color Tile (1986)

What does planes have to do with … tiles? Why are people flying to Color Tile. 


Diet Coke – New Can Design (1994)

That can design is way better than that ugly horizontal can design Diet Coke has now. 


Sheik Condoms (1996)



Burger King C.E.O. Barry Gibbons on Hurricane Hugo & the San Francisco Earthquake (1989) 

“Because breaking the rules means giving something back” 


Mercury Lynx (1980)

Ohhh that nails on a chalkboard music….



Pamela Stephenson for Pizza Hut (1985) 

Eating pizza English, Australian, and American style. She likes pan pizza with mushroom, green peppers and olives. 


Tracey Gold for No Nonsense pantyhose (1981)

This commercial is so bizarre. Tracey runs into the model for No Nonsense at a grocery store…and says she’s prettier than she is on TV. Mom gushes, “YOU REALLY DO WEAR NO NONSENSE PANTYHOSE!” Dad wears No Nonsense (socks) too. They’re acting like she invented No Nonsense. 


Paul Newman’s salad dressings at Burger King (1990)

For some reason I thought this commercial was soo funny when I was six. I think it’s the part where he flips the towel up. 

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