206. Summer of 1999 movies (Newsweek: 5/10/1999)


There’s some classics here, and some critical bombs. I see one right away: Inspector Gadget. A couple of Falls ago, I was on a Matthew Broderick obsession, kick, and I made myself sit through Inspector Gadget. I’m trying to remember my favorite worst scene. I think it would have to be Inspector Gadget’s car, the one that had the voice of D.L. Hughley, and spit out I don’t know, Skittles and Citra on command.


No, wait it was Surge. Ha, can we blame Inspector Gadget for Surge’s demise in the early ‘00s?  Is that the McDonalds logo above the skittles logo? What would happen if you pushed that button? A Happy Meal, and some orange drink would appear from the glove compartment?

The South Park movie, and Wild, Wild, West are both mentioned on this same page. 


I love that episode of South Park where Cartman plays “Wild Wild West” while Shelley is babysitting him. I want to see a 12 year old in 2015 wonder why Cartman is playing some game called “Wild Wild West”. 

There’s another South Park reference on this page too, Phil Collins’ lame song from Tarzan:

Now, I never go to the movies, but I did see The Phantom Menace, only because I was on vacation in Alaska with relatives that year, and it beat going to the yard sales with my mom and aunts. I don’t remember a thiiiing from it, except for the long ass race scene, only because Greg Proops voices the announcer. I can’t find it now, but I swear there was a video on YouTube of the just the entire race scene Rifftraxed.  Here’s the best of reel though


This page is chock of 90s classics, less critical bombs on this page than the previous. Mystery Men brought us the ever so annoying Smash Mouth song “All Star”, which is still used in every trailer for a kids movie. 

I remember what a BIG DEAL Entertainment Tonight made of Eyes Wide Shut. Almost every single night that Summer, Entertainment Tonight would have a story on that film, always showing clips of this scene, like that was supposed to be the hottest scene in the movie. Once I Googled it years later though….

Entertainment Tonight finally stopped obsessing about this movie once Ally McBeal’s new season started, and with Ricky Martin hitting the scene, and then every night until early 2000, it was all about Ricky.